One way people can aid their community is by offering their services at the local library. A popular volunteer position is that of a shelf reader. At the library for several hours a week, shelf readers keep books on the shelves in order. Depending on where the person is stationed, he or she might need to place books in alphabetical or in Dewey order so that patrons can find the material easier. Sometimes, they shift the books to different shelves so that racks maintain an evenly distributed look. Another duty involves answering questions from guests.
To perform the role, shelf readers need to possess a number of skills. Physical stamina is required, as they bend, stretch, pick up books, and stand on footstools to set the material on higher locations. In some districts, applicants must also pass a placement test.
About the author:
For the past 35 years, Amita Vadlamudi has held a career in the information technology field, and she has garnered experience in numerous operating systems and languages. During her spare time, Amita Vadlamudi volunteers as a shelf reader.